6 June 2018


Ice skating is the recreation and sport of gliding across an ice surface on blades fixed to the bottoms of skates. The activity of ice skating has given rise to two distinctive sports: figure skating, which involves the performance of various jumps, spins, and dance movements; and speed skating and short-track speed skating, both of which are forms of racing on ice skates.

Ice skating probably developed in Scandinavia as early as 1000 BCE, the first skates being made from shank or rib bones of elk, oxen, reindeer, and other animals.

There is a type of figure skating that is the most contemporary figure skating and consists in interpreting a piece of musical skating on an ice rink and doing pirouettes, turns, jumps and acrobatics. Later it is valued by some judges.

There are also more types of ice skating. Speed skating, short track- speed skating…

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