27 January 2018


Canteen: Cafetería.
Head teacher: Director.
Staffroom: Sala de profesores.
Goggles: Aletas.
Hoop: Aro (canasta).
Scuba diving: Buceo.
Playing fields: Pistas deportivas.
Not mind: No importar.
ICT Suite: Sala de informática.


Star poligons: You get it joining constantly and NO consecutively the vertices of the regular poligons.
Symetry: It´s a quality of some of shapes wich same of their parts and reflections of others.
Reflection symetry: It´s a shape quality wich it´s formed by two halves facing each with an axis or between as if both sides were mirror images of each other.
Symetry axis: It´s line wich divides a shapes in towo symetrics halves.
Central symetry: It´s a reflection of an object throught a point called the symetry center. Every symetry point is on the other side and at same distance from the center of symetry. 
Geometric symetry: It´s a kind of symetry wich follows accuarately the geometry rules.
Apparent symetry: It´s the qualityof shapes or obvious symmetry but not every point or element follows accuaretly the geometry symmetry rules it happens very frecuently in nature.
Symetrical balance: It´s away to organize parts of on image, picture or drawing so one side duplicates or mirrors the other.
The dot: It´s the smallest and most simple element in art expressions. It´s first target is to indicate a position since it doesn´t follow any direction. It may have different qualities such as size, shape and color.
The dot three dimensional capacity: When the size, shapes and colors are changed, the dots can create visual sensations of special deepress and volume.
The dot expensive capacity: The point has unlinited capacity to represent images and to express ideas and emotions. To do so, visual effects are used.
Optical mixing: When colours are mixed with the help of distance. Point isn´t mixed on the palette or on the pointing. The optical mix was used first by the pointillist.