28 November 2018


1. - What is strength as basic physical ability? How many types of strength are there? Explain them and give an example of each of them.

The strength is the physical ability to perform a physical job or a movement.
There are three types of strength:
  • Maxium strength: Is the maximum force a muscle can exert in a single maximalvoluntary contraction. It is used during weightlifting.
Resultado de imagen para levantamiento de pesas dibujo
  • Explosive strength: Explosive strength is the ability to exert maximal force in minimal time. To develop explosive strength and reactive ability you need to do two things. First, you must build your speed strength and second, in the same time frame, you must raise your absolute strength.
Resultado de imagen para explosive strength

  • Endurance strength: The ability to maintain muscular contractions or a consisten level of muscle force for extended periods of time. Relies upon aerobic efficiency to supploxygen and nutrients to the working muscles while removing metalobic waste. Examples: An endurance event like a 10K, marathon or triarlon; doing yard work or orther vigorous household chores; high volume bodybuilding-type trainning.

Resultado de imagen para fuerza de resistencia plancha
2. - What is flexibility as basic physical capacity? What factors does flexibility depend on?
The flexibility is the ability that allows body movement in all its range. 
The factors on which the elasticity depends are:
  • Joint mobility or movement possibilities of the joint: The characteristics of each articulation determine the amplitude of the movements that can be achieved in each one of them.
  • Muscle elasticity: The muscle subjected to a sufficient force yields and increases its length, once the cause that caused this lengthening has given way, the muscle returns to its primitive extension. This ability of the muscle to elongate and then return to its initial state, is what is called "elasticity".
  • Intermuscular cordination: In any movement, even when carried out with an objective of development of flexibility; This is the result of the joint participation of different muscle groups that must act in an orderly manner in terms of time and tension. If this were not so, the movement would not be synchronized, would be uncoordinated, and would reduce its amplitude by interferences, wihch would act as a brake, between the muscle groups.In any movement, even when carried out with an objective of development of flexibility; This is the result of the joint participation of different muscle groups that must act in an orderly manner in terms of time and tension. If this were not so, the movement would not be synchronized, would be uncoordinated, and would reduce its amplitude by interferences, which would act as a brake, between the muscle groups.
  • The age: Children are more flexible than adults, and this is because overtime, with the maturation of the subject, there is a progressive loss of extensibility of the muscles and ligaments.
3.- What is endurance as basic physical ability? How many types of endurance are there? Explain them and give an example of each of them.
Endurance is the ability to maintain physical effort for a long time.
  • Anaerobic endurence: Anaerobic endurence training focuses on physiological improvements in the ability of muscles to support the production of force through neuronal and metabolic mechanisms. It is done in a short time but at a lot of intensity. Example: 100m at your maxium speed.
  • Aerobic endurance: It is a training with less intensity than the anaerobic but much longer. Example: Rotate a circuit running at a normal speed.
4.- How can I improve my endurance? Explain two exercises to improve aerobic endurance.
  • Farleck: You run arround a rectangle for 20-30 minutes and run as fast as you can on the small side and jog on the long sides.
  • Swim: You swimming arround 20-30 minutes.

26 November 2018


How many times you must to read 
Before you understand a thing
How many trains do you have to do
Before you winning a match
How many hours will you have to study 
Before you pass a exam

How much music will you have to listen
Before you create a song 
How long will you have to walk 
Before cross the finish line
How much time will you have to dedicate 
Before you dream to reach


- How would you describe the "program music"? (2 or 3 lines are enough).
Program music is a type of art music that attempts to musically render an extra-musical narrative. The narrative itself might be offered to the audience in the form of program notes, inviting imaginative correlations with the music.

- Choose one of the next examples (worked already a bit in Music classes) and do some research about the composer (4 or 5 lines are enough).
Antonio Vivaldi born on March 4, 1678, in Venice, Italy and he died on july 28, 1741. He was a Italian violinist, teacher and priest of the 18th century. He has composed more than 750 musical works. Around 350 of his concerts are written for solo instrument and strings, of which 230 are for violin. Some of his more important works are: The four seasons, Gloria and La Stravaganza.

- This is the musical piece we are playing in the class. Do you believe the composer transmits the title meaning in a good manner? Why?
Yes, becoause is very happy and it´s like a sunrise. Is very impulsive and sometimes it is strong and other times weaker.

25 November 2018


Wich one do you prefer? Why? (2 or 3 lines are enough).
The one I like the most is the third video because I like the music from behind and the voice of the singer because it is deep and beautiful. I like the first video but I prefer the third. I don´t like the second because there are many voices.

Who was Bob Dylan? (2 or 3 lines enough).
Robert Allen Zimmerman, better known as Bob Dylan, was born in Duluth, Minnesota (United States) on May 24, 1941. He is an American singer-songwriter, author, and artist.
He has written and sung songs like Blowing in the Wind and Like a rolling stone.
Resultado de imagen para bob dylan
- In Music classes I have told you about the sixties and the music of that period, including some videos. If you paid attention, you will be capable of writing down a summarize. (4 or 5 lines are enough.
In the sixties in America they listened to blues, jazz, ragtime and other regional styles.
In that same decade there was a countercultural movement called hippie or hippy, was libertarian and pacifist.
The most listened to artists at that time were: The Beatles, The doors, Jefferson Airplane and The Beach Boys.

11 November 2018

A. TO BEGIN WITH... (part 1)

Does sadness or melancholy belong to music? Or must music always make you feel happy or glad?

Yes, sadness and melancholy belong to music, science music exists to be able to feel something




- Staff→ pentagrama.                    
- Treble clef→ clave de sol.            
- Recorder→ flauta dulce.               
- Note→ nota.                                  
- Rest→ silencio (como símbolo de pentagrama).                             
- Silence→ silencio (en general).     
- Whole→ note: redonda.                 
- Half note→ blanca.                       
- Quarter note→ negra.                   
- Eighth note→ corchea.                     
- Tone→ tono.                                 
- Accidentals→ alteraciones.          
- Flat→ bemol.                                
- Guitar→ guitarra.                          
- Fret→ traste.                               
- Interval→ intervalo.                     
- Ascending→ ascendente.             

- Play→ tocar.
- Noise→ ruido.
- Pitch→ altura. 
- High-pitched→ agudo.
- Low-pitched→ grave.
- Melody→ melodía.
- Duration→ duración.
- Long:→ largo.  
- Short→ corto. 
- Choir:→ coro.  
- Chord→ acorde.   
- Semitone→ semitono.
- Sharp→ sostenido.
- Keyboard→ teclado.
- String→ cuerda.
- Bass→ bajo. 
- Descending:→ descendente.
- Major scale→ escala mayor.



10 November 2018


Sister in lawCuñada
Brother in lawCuñado


Resultado de imagen para welcome back to school